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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

catching up

Phew, survived the packed weekend and was able to catch up a bit on Sunday.  I don't do well when we rush from one event to the next.  My house looked like it had been in a tornado and I was grumpy (sleep deprived), but actually, I wanted to spend all day spring cleaning!  Certainly not my kids idea of fun on a rainy sunday.  Especially after we had been so busy and barely had time to say 3 words to each other all weekend....so I did the best I could, in between.

Which leads me to today's 15 is tip:  how to clean a room in 15 minutes.  I saw this in a back issue of REAL SIMPLE.
and it actually works.
I have modified it to fit my needs, which is usually pretty rushed and harried.   I like to focus on what stresses me out the most...which is usually what can be seen first.   The entryway.  If you can get your kids involved, great! (magic eraser is good or duster, etc.) If not, even better, you'll be done faster.  Nothing gets my kids memories going,  like suggestions of extra chores ("oh, I just remembered, I have to finish that yarn/glueing/sanding project I started last week!)

First, gather up everything that doesn't belong there and try to put away.  ( If I have time, I adhere to the touch it once principal.  {i put it where it belongs the first time i touch it}).  If I don't have time, I get a bin, bag, drawer or closet and shove it all in there to be put away at a later time.  (you can see how ugly this could get in a few days, which is why it is only to be used in an emergency....when someone is ON THEIR WAY OVER right that moment!) If your kids are helping, this is a good reverse "scavenger hunt" game:  send them to daddy's closet with his shoes, the kitchen with that empty water bottle, etc....2 minutes

Once the room is free of clutter, stand back and look at the floors.  Can you see muddy paw prints or lots of dust bunnies in the corners?  Go over the room with a broom and then again with a swiffer floor mop.  (another great job for the kids...they love squeezing that button).  8 minutes (depending on your  little "helpers"....could be longer)

Now, you have at least a "clean" room, and clean smelling too!.....you can now go and cut some flowers or greenery from your yard or wash the windows.  If you cut really pretty flowers, no one will notice your dirty windows, so I always go for the former.
If you do not have access to a garden, put a pretty bowl out for your mail and keys; or a framed picture that isn't normally there.  Some focal point that is new and different, that has meaning to you.  

I will post video as soon as I can, of me cleaning our entryway with my 3 year old daughter.

In the meantime, enjoy your time! Use it wisely, it's really all that we have.


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