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Thursday, March 10, 2011

in good company

this is my first post, and I am jumping right in. (please forgive my lack of capitals..a bad habit started with all the papers written in college (pre-computer!),which has only been made worse with the invention of  emails, texts and my current perceived lack of time!)
I am starting a company for my kids.  Or, rather, i am trying to get them to start one. They are roughly tweens and younger and i would like for them to know how to 1. make something that others might want to buy (my kids happen to be the creative type) 2. give something back to the community 3. learn valuable life skills.
I understand there are organizations out there that teach similar goals to kids, but we wanted the freedom to dictate the who, what, when and where of our product, time and intentions.
I should back up here: I am a mother of 4 and am thrilled at that title.  I love being their alice, carol brady, betty crocker, Rafe Esquith (wonderful teacher in L.A. that has written great books) and Dee (current name of son's bus driver) all in one. But I was a person before i was lucky enough to become their mom and somehow that person keeps butting in.  how to find the time to let the other sides of me (which i will describe as part inventor, part struggling artist, part improv actor, part bleeding heart, etc...the list is long) come through, while i am busy being a happy homemaker.
my greatest fear is not appreciating the time that i have with them.  everyone. my husband, my kids, my parents, my friends.  i try to be present and engaged, when i am with those i love.  those times i will never be able to get back, therefore, i have put off nearly everything else. there is time enough to be an artist, inventor, comedian, writer, when they're grown.........however, i cannot seem to keep my other "person" sticking her nose in!  (i have 6 journals full of inventions, designs, scientific theories, ideas and writings, spanning 10 years now)...this could be a form of mid-life crisis.  or possibly the result of being a late bloomer, or crazy....  but, i think this other "person" might be telling me that I can live simultaneously with both intentions.  they are not mutually exclusive.  in fact, they might just complement each other, as in the desire to create a company with the kids.  (satisfying my need to be with them, be creative and teach them the value of philanthropy and entrepreneurism)......but what that leaves me with is: the daily struggle to find enough time.......

welcome to 15is.  I have organized my limited time into small compartments; thereby enabling me to feel like i am making small steps toward some of my goals.  today, my youngest is in preschool for 3 hours. (2xweek).  it's amazing how much i can get done if i am on a limited schedule!
i will finish this post and then will save 30 min. to clean the kitchen before i pick her up (someone's coming over right after school, otherwise i would save the breakfast dishes, scattered clothes and paperwork, etc to do while the kids are home having their after school snack, when they can help me).
I have organized my weeks into specific days that i devote to specific goals.  thursday is the day that i tackle the kids company;  my inventions, any philanthropic goals, and household paperwork.  done.
I shoot for 15 minutes of each.  that could included just thinking about it or organizing something related to it.  If I know i will be able to devote SOME time to it this week, i feel less overwhelmed and stretched.  Here goes!
Ok, i have researched what charity to bring clothes to on our upcoming trip to mexico. filled out school paperwork, wrote this about the kids company,and did some research on a project that i hope to develop to help nursing women in refugee camps.
  Ok.  I feel slightly less discombobulated.  
it feels good.  i can concentrate on and appreciate my wonderful toddler (who is very possessive and clingy right now) when i pick her up from preschool; because i have given energy and time to my personal pursuits. win-win.
now if i can only get her down for a nap....i can take one too!:)

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